Economic issues drive disparities in heart disease, stroke


Street in poor neighborhood

State-by-state disparities in heart disease and stroke are rooted in the economic health of communities and the people who live in them, according to an analysis of a report tracking the impact of cardiovascular disease across the country.

Despite a 38 percent overall drop in cardiovascular disease in the U.S. from 1990-2016, some states improved more slowly than others and a dozen states fell behind.

博士说:“社会经济因素起着作用。收入非常低的人可能难以将食物放在桌子上或将屋顶放在头上可能很难确定锻炼,健康饮食甚至去看医生。”心脏病专家和报告的主要作者格雷戈里·罗斯(Gregory Roth)。




The effort is part of the University of Washington School of Medicine’s broader “Global Burden of Disease Study” created by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle, where Roth leads cardiovascular disease modeling. The larger study investigated 332 causes of diseases and injuries, and 84 risk factors in 195 countries and territories.

根据报告的主要危险因素影响心血管健康,使其成为改善的“关键目标”,根据编辑的注释,马克·霍夫曼(Mark Huffman)JAMA心脏病学以及芝加哥西北大学Feinberg医学院的预防副教授。


北部大学流行病学教授韦恩·罗萨蒙德(Wayne Rosamond)说,研究人员和医生已经花了多年的时间研究心脏病的原因以及哪些因素促进心血管健康,其中重要的部分是人们工作和生活的社会和经济环境。Carolina’s Gillings School of Global Public Health.

To successfully fight heart disease, Rosamond said, states need to work to evaluate their communities, then support and promote environmental, social and economic conditions that favor cardiovascular health.





High-quality, affordable health care also should be part of the solution, according to researchers.


Mississippi had the highest impacts from cardiovascular disease in 1990 and again in 2016. But it improved significantly, lowering its burden by nearly a third, Roth said. Its rank didn’t change because other states also improved, largely because of improved treatments and healthier behaviors.




But not enough has been done, Roth said, "to address the root causes of disparity between states, even as we have done a lot to treat [cardiovascular] disease itself."



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